On 22 September 2009, a new Cashmere High School Foundation was launched, with five initial Trust members appointed. The aim of this group is to provide a vehicle for benefactors to the school to make donations of a general or a specific nature and to build a fund which will provide income to meet the Trust’s deeds. This includes promoting and improving the educational purposes, projects, and facilities of the school.
The Foundation would be very grateful for all and any financial contributions towards their aims of helping to enhance and improve the educational opportunities and experiences of our students at Cashmere High School.
Cashmere High School Foundation Trustees are:
Chair - Katherine Trought (Past Pupil CHS 1974 - 1978)
Treasurer - Jeremy Crang (Current Parent CHS 2022 - )
Trustee - Michelle Corkindale (Current Parent & Past Pupil CHS 1970-1972)
Trustee - Joe Eccleton (Principal)
Trustee - Hamish Roy (Past Pupil CHS 1987-1991, Current Parent CHS)
Further information can be found by clicking here or by emailing the foundation administration@cashmerehighfoundation.org.nz
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